Young Farmer Nights are a series of free, regular and rotating social and educational events open to farmers and farm allies of all ages and experience levels, meant to foster community, build relationships and catalyze collaboration in Southeastern New England.

Thank you for your interest in joining us for Young Farmer Nights! These events are open to everyone, whether you actively farm, have an interest in farming, or are not actively farming and are just interested in taking a tour. We are committed to this openness

A strong community support network is invaluable to farmers starting or expanding businesses in what can seem like an endless uphill battle.  While some opportunities during the growing season exist for farmers to meet each other, these are mainly in passing, at markets or at workshops and conferences where the focus is on the subject matter at hand. To develop a strong community support network, personal relationships must be fostered in a friendly environment. Young Farmer Nights provide these critical opportunities for peer to peer networking, as well as learning opportunities to share best practices, see first hand how other farmers combat similar challenges, and discuss broader policy issues.

Tours generally begin at 6pm (5:30pm late in the season as we start to lose sunlight earlier.) We ask that all participants pre-register so that we can properly prepare for each event and ensure proper covid safety protocol. In addition to our newsletter, registration for each Young Farmer Night can be found on Instagram or Facebook. If the weather turns ugly during the day, rely on Instagram stories or Facebook for last minute notices of cancellation or changes. If you wish to speak at one of our events, please email us in advance!

Each YFN is structured as a tour followed by a potluck and hang time. Please bring a dish to contribute to the potluck dinner, as well as a plate and fork for yourself. If you're farming all day and are busy and manage to tear yourself away but can't bring a potluck item, you are still welcome! We understand and would love to see you! 

If you are interested in hosting a Young Farmer Night in the 2024 season

Email Annie @